Coronavirus Latest
If you are ill, which includes colds, stomach bugs etc. Please skip your next training session, we have plenty of opportunities for you to take extra catch-up lessons once you are well again.
If you have arrived at this page due to receiving a text from your coach, then YOUR CLASS REMAINS OPEN - We have several fully qualified and insured coaches, so we will only close classes in extreme circumstances, and IF that happens, we will spend out a specific message stating that.
The English Government have now reintroduced mandatory mask wearing for those who are 11 & over and NOT exempt, in indoor public places, Could we therefore respectfully request that ALL visitors, spectators and students wear a mask whilst at our dojo buildings, and keep them on at all times unless you are actually training.
We also request that you keep hand sanitising when entering and leaving the building and whilst training - there should be plenty of sanitisers available, if you cannot find one, or you notice one is running low or empty, please tell our Customer Service team or one of the coaches.
Thank you so much for your help in following the guidance laid down, which we feel ultimately benefits everyone.
If you wish to check anything you can click this link or ring 119 for information.
29th September 2021 13:00
As expected we are now getting regular confirmed covid cases, let's face it it was bound to happen, covid is now simply part of life in the 21st Century. The great news is that serious cases have dropped dramatically, and the NHS is, I believe, now able to cope with the demand.
If we have a confirmed covid case in a class, we will text you to let you know, this is so that YOU can take whatever action YOU feel is necessary - the English Government recommend that you take a test to see if you have covid - continue reading to find out more.
If you are unsure how to respond then please ring 119 for information.
16th August 2021 13:00
From TODAY, those who have been double vaccinated and those who are under 18, no longer have to self-isolate if they have been in close contact with a confirmed Covid case. However, they SHOULD take a PCR test (which is the one you have to post off for the results or go to a testing centre if you don't have the pack) and;
"Anyone who tests positive following the PCR test will still be legally required to self-isolate, irrespective of their vaccination status or age in order to break onward chains of transmission. Meanwhile anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate and get a PCR test, and remain in isolation until the result comes back."
English Government Statement - Official government website
The PCR test can be ordered online Order a PCR Test or I think you can get one from your local pharmacy, or get tested at a drive-in testing centre.
See the FULL English government guidance here;
Official English Government guidance on this
LJJ Martial Arts' stance on illness, which includes colds, stomach bugs etc remains the same, which is, "If you are ill, please skip your next training session, we have plenty of opportunities for you to take catch-up lessons once you are well again".
Face masks are now OPTIONAL for spectators, coaches and students, we will keep hand sanitisers available, keep spraying anti-bacterial cleaners between classes and the mats are sanitised and washed at the end of each day of training.
The duration of classes is moving back towards the pre-covid times;
- Little Dragons 2.5-6yrs 30mins (remains the same)
- Dragon Warriors 6-14yrs 55mins (pre-covid it was listed as 1hr, and we have been running them for 45mins to allow time to clean and vacate the building. We now feel confident to increase the time of these classes)
- Ju Jitsu Adults 15+yrs - As Dragon Warriors
- Ladies Only Kickboxing 13+yrs as Dragon Warriors
General English Government Official Information
Check out this page for CURRENT timetables and booking links Offline & the Training Resources page.
Training Resources - these are currently being updated for the current syllabus "Crane"
We have been busy creating new training resources for you all, this is a document with links to videos on YouTube with extensive breakdowns of a number of our techniques and kata, we really hope you find them useful;
12th April 2021 13:00
From Mon April 12th
We are back in-doors at our venues;
- Children's classes can re-start.
- Adults - no formal tuition is allowed, but you can "use a space" like you would at a gym
From Mon May 17th
Training remains indoors
- Children's classes can re-start.
- Adult's classes can restart
From Mon June 21st
- Return to "Normal" training for children and adults
26th February 2021 15:00 - GREAT NEWS!!!
The latest government announcement last Monday set out a route out of lockdown, and now that the dust has settled a little we have our route back to training as follows;
From Mon March 29th
- Children & Adults Restart real-world training OPEN AIR in probably the same open spaces we utilised last time - NO CONTACT IF NOT FROM SAME HOUSEHOLD
From Mon April 12th
We are back in-doors at our venues;
- Children's classes can re-start.
- Adults - no formal tuition is allowed, but you can "use a space" like you would at a gym
From Mon May 17th
Training remains indoors
- Children's classes can re-start.
- Adult's classes can restart
From Mon June 21st
- Return to "Normal" training for children and adults
1st January 2021 12:45
On 31st December 2020 (yesterday) Leicestershire was moved into Tier 4 due to the rise of Covid cases, for us, this means that ALL classes move back online via Zoom.
It goes without saying that this is not what any of us hoped for, but this is where we are so we will continue to make the best of it.
All online classes should be accessed via your personal student portal;
2. Student Portal & Shop (at the top of the screen)
3. Enter the students details
4. Online Training
This process gives you access to your classes and also records your attendance.
2nd December 2020 13:00
Today we start classes again for under 18s in Earl Shilton and Coalville. It is GREAT to be back and I am looking forward to seeing the kids and helping them improve and move forward - mental health is at least as important as physical health if not more so.
23rd November 2020 16:25
Summary - Boris Johnson announced last night, England will come out of lockdown on 2nd December YIPPEEE!!!!
- it is still a little unclear if this means that we can open for classes on Wednesday 2nd December at 4pm, or if we have to wait until Thursday 3rd, which would effectively mean that we start in Enderby on the Thursday and in Earl Shilton and Coalville on the Sunday, but we are checking this hour by hour.
We will continue to run all our classes online with Zoom until we re-open in the real world.​
Read the Latest Government guidelines
1st November 2020 17:25
Summary - As of Boris Johnson's announcement last night, England goes back into lockdown first thing Thursday 5th November, so all of our normal classes move online with Zoom.
If you have been a member with us for a while you will know what great service we gave last time and as this is only 4-weeks, we should all be able to breeze through this one.
Access to the Zoom lesson will be via the "Student Portal and Shop" link on the top of our website.
Read the latest UK Government update here.
This is not where we wanted to be, but once again we will make it a great success and we will do what we can whilst working towards doing what we want to do!
GRADINGS - We have a number of students who are making great progress towards gradings, so for you guys we are compiling our list and we will be giving you the opportunity to grade this week, BEFORE we go into lockdown.
23rd September 2020 11:00
Current Timetables;
Summary - Booking is still required for every class, this is to ensure that we do not go over government guidance for numbers BOOK HERE
Parents - it is a MANDATORY requirement that ALL spectators wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth, we have ones for sale at 50p per disposable mask.
Boris was on last night with his latest announcement - no change for us, as an organised sports event, so our current processes will remain in force.
This is the main article for our purposes; What you can and can't do, specifically item 2.10, number 10 says;
organised outdoor sport or licensed outdoor physical activity, and supervised sporting activity (indoors or outdoors) for under-18s. Organised indoor sport or exercise classes can take place in larger numbers, provided groups of more than 6 do not mix. Organised indoor team sports for disabled people can take place in any number.
So basically as long as 6 people from different households are not meeting and working together (we used to do this pre-covid, but not since) then we are still within Government guidelines and we are keeping everyone as safe as possible.
10th September 2020 10:00
New government guidance was announced yesterday to limit social interaction to 6 people who are NOT in support bubble and do not live together.
As often happens at the moment, there are a number of exclusions, and if we consider what is probably underlying all of this we can assume that the authorities want to ensure that they can "track and trace". Within our classes at LJJ we know you all, we have contact details for everyone and we keep an electronic register - actually 2 registers at the moment as we have the Eventrbrite booking system too. This means that IF there is a problem, we are in a position to contact everyone in that class, or the immediate contacts, as necessary. This includes any new trials at our classes.
See the official government guidance here.
From LJJ Martial Arts' perspective, we firmly fit into the "organised indoor and outdoor sports" and our rules follow the government guidelines to the letter;
An excerpt from "Return to Recreational Team Sport"
"All players, officials, volunteers and spectators must undergo a self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in sport if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19 currently recognised as any of the following:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste"
With the recent return to school for the kids, there has been an increase in colds, runny noses and stomach aches - it was inevitable. We are very thankful that everyone is playing it safe and contacting us to let us know, that whilst it is not covid, they are staying away from training until they / their child get better. Thank you.
We have always had an "open door" policy for parents to spectate our classes, I still do not understand clubs that refuse this, I always think "what do they have to hide?"
With the latest government guidance, we will now be requesting the following;
- Only 1 parent / adult guardian per child & that they wear a face mask which covers their nose and mouth.
27th August 2020 11:00
Earl Shilton - Training is going great in the dojo (training hall) in Earl Shilton we've been back since Sunday 26th July!!
NEW TIMETABLE AS OF SUNDAY 30th AUGUST 2020 - No need to book anymore, we are allocating students to classes as previously. We still have strict cleaning processes in place, hand sanitisers and we steam clean the floor everyday.
18th August 2020 15:45
Earl Shilton - We start back in the dojo (training hall) in Earl Shilton on Sunday 26th July - YAY!!
NEW TIMETABLE AS OF SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST 2020 - No need to book from this day on!
21st July 2020 21:45
Earl Shilton - We start back in the dojo (training hall) in Earl Shilton on Sunday 26th July - YAY!!
NEW TIMETABLE AS OF SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST 2020 - No need to book from this day on!
Coalville - we are running open air classes in Coalville plus online via Zoom, whilst we work with the venue to re-open, or find a new one!
Enderby - we are running open air classes starting Fri 31st July, Brockington is looking to re-open in September, we are looking for an alternative but no joy yet.
I failed the temperature assessment at the dojo - Advice
Click the link above for advice and guidance if you failed the temperature gun test at the dojo.
11th July 2020 08:20
The announcement on 9th July from Oliver Dowden the UK Government Culture Secretary was great news for our industry. He stated that there would be a relaxing of restrictions on sports in England - YAY!! Oliver Dowden's Announcement
In summary, from today, 11th July outside organised sports gatherings of up to 30 people is now allowed - this must include; parents, coaches and students, so the ratio of 5 students to 1 coach has been removed, but due to the need to accommodate spectators & coaches it cannot be 30 students to 1 coach.
We can return to indoor classes from Saturday 25th July, so for us that will be Sunday 26th as we are closed on a Saturday.
There are still restrictions in place for outdoor and indoor classes; social distancing, no sharing of equipment like pads, everyone must use hand sanitiser, the venue will need to be cleaned between each class so there will need to be gaps between classes to facilitate this.
UK Government Covid & Sport
We are working with our venues to create timetables that work and keep our clients safe.
Tomorrow, Sunday 12th July ​we are running Open Air classes at;
Earl Shilton - Weavers Springs
Coalville - Scotlands Playing Fields
We have spent considerable time and effort planning and preparing for these classes and are looking forward to delivering our usual high level and engaging content to our wonderful students who have been supporting us since the lockdown in March.
We have created Outdoor Risk Assessments and have Public Liability in place, plus our usual Professional Indemnity and Student to Student Insurance.
View our Risk Assessments; Earl Shilton Coalville
PLEASE READ THE SECTION BELOW ENTITLED "5th July 2020" as it outlines the procedure for open air lessons.
On Sunday 26th July we will be running our Sunday timetable, with some alterations; classes will have to be shorter to allow for all age levels to be covered, and the venue to to sanitised between groups. More information will be coming out next week.
5th July 2020 08:20
Today ​we are running our first Open Air classes in the real-world! We are excited and a little nervous. We have spent considerable time and effort planning and preparing for these classes and are looking forward to delivering our usual high level and engaging content to our wonderful students who have been supporting us since the lockdown in March.
We do not expect to get everything right this time, so please bear with us and treat us kindly, because we are doing our best under exceptional circumstances. As we are out in the open, control of the environment is must more difficult; weather, debris, general public etc will all have to be managed to the best of all of our abilities.
If the weather turns bad, then we will switch to running the same classes at the same times but from home on zoom - please keep an eye on your mobile, email and/or the Leicester Ju Jitsu Facebook page if you think the weather is questionable.
We have created this document which sets out our plans for the Covid Safe Open Air Training Sessions, please read it and adhere to the contents.
- No uniforms as we do not want you to get them covered in grass
- No toilet facilities so please go before you leave home
- Wear trainers
- We have hand sanitisers that you MUST use
- You MUST socially distance from people you DO NOT live with, before, during and after training
- By attending the session you are SELF-CERTIFYING that you do not have Coronavirus or the symptoms and you have not been in contact with someone who has Coronavirus or the symptoms
We are all looking forward to an EPIC training session today :-)
16th March 2020 20:00
Boris Johnson has been on the TV this evening and the message is still we feel, unclear. He is talking about people working from home, not visiting pubs, but exercise is good for you especially if you ultimately contract Coronavirus, also the schools remain open!
Our stance therefore also remains unchanged, we will continue to run classes whilst the schools are open - however, as per our Coronavirus & Illness page if you feel ill or a member of your household is believed to have COVID-19 please stay away from training.
Also, if you simply feel uneasy and would prefer to skip training that is fine too. We will be running some live sessions via Facebook and recording these for later viewing.
We will also run extra sessions to enable you to catch-up on any missed if we feel it is required.
The grading is still scheduled to go ahead this Saturday, we are looking to reduce numbers by scheduling students gradings, so you enter the building and dojo at your allotted time and leave the building once completed.
This is to keep contact with numbers of people low - your results will arrive by email and your belt and certificate will be available for collection at your next lesson.
If you would simply prefer not to grade this Saturday that is fine, you can grade at a later date, in class or at a mutually convenient time and location or receive a full refund - your choice.
We remain optimistic that this is a short term issue that will resolve itself quickly, but obviously only time will tell.
Interested to know what online classes would look like? Checkout this link
Kind regards,
Sensei Rob Phelps
Page created 16/03/20
Page updated 15/12/21